
Employee Q&A with Tori Lloyd

By : Synextra


Synextra employee Victoria Lloyd headshot for employee Q&A

This month added Tori Lloyd to our Synextra team as our new Operations Manager. We had a chance to ask Tori a few questions about her journey to Synextra and give everyone an insight to know her a little bit more.


You’ve joined Synextra at an exciting time, how are you finding it so far?

I’m really enjoying my time here, everyone in the office is really friendly and it’s exciting to be part of the changes ahead.

Tell us a bit more about your career up to this point.

I’ve had quite a varied career so far; I think I was trying to find my feet and find what I wanted to do. I started out my career as a Primary School Teacher, which I did for around 2 and a half years, as well as about half a year spent as a Teaching Assistant. I also worked as an Office Administrator for a care company, before moving into a Cyber Security company. I started as a Service Delivery Coordinator and progressed to Internal Operations, where I found my love for the role.

What’s your favourite thing about working in operations?

That every single day is different, I’m never bored and always busy.

What has been your biggest achievement?

My cheesy answer would be being a mum, I just love it and have always wanted a family. My exciting answer would be doing a sky dive for charity – it was brilliant and I’d highly recommend it.

What does a typical weekend look like for you?

Normally I spend time with my family, taking my little boy out for the day or catching up with friends and playing boardgames.

What was your first job?

Working in a café when I was 13, that was owned by my best friend’s aunty – I felt really grown up having my own money.

Tell us something not a lot of people know about you?

My odd party trick is being able to say the alphabet backwards in less than 20 seconds.


Want to be a part of the Synextra team, changing the game in a new era of cloud? Keep your eyes peeled on our LinkedIn for any potential job openings!

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